07/26/2023Cold drinks - Drinks

Cold Brew Peach Iced Tea

Cold Brew Peach Iced Tea
For: 1 LDifficulty: EasyPreparation: 5 minFridge: 8h00

I really love iced teas because you've pretty much always got everything you need on hand (basically just water and tea, right?). Usually, I brew the tea hot in a small amount of water, then pour it over ice cubes to get iced tea super quickly. But this time, I wanted to take my time, so here's a cold-brewed recipe! "Why's that?" you might ask... because cold brewing allows for more subtle flavors to come through without any bitterness! This time, I let it steep for just 4 hours, but you can leave it for up to 24 hours!

With the peach that’s also going to infuse, it makes for a super tasty and slightly sweet iced tea, perfect for a refreshing drink 😍😍 I add a spoonful of sugar per liter to help the peach reveal its flavor.




  • -peach 1
  • -black tea 2 (tsp)
  • -light brown sugar 1 (tsp)
  • -water 1 (L)

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  • Wash the peach and cut it into quarters.
  • In a jar, crush it to release the juice. Add the tea, brown sugar, and water.
  • Let it infuse in the fridge for 4 to 24 hours (the longer you leave it, the darker the color and the stronger the flavor).
  • Strain the iced tea, pressing out the pulp well, and serve with a few ice cubes!
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