11/14/2017Stews - Main courses - Tofu, legumes and seitan

Simmered carrots, sweet potatoes and tofu

Simmered carrots, sweet potatoes and tofu
For: 2 serv.Difficulty: EasyPreparation: 20 minCooking: 35 min

It's time for delicious winter dishes! It's already -1000°C here, so until May, you'll mostly find comfort food on this blog! We need it #help #momcomepickmeup

This dish, we make it all the time lately. It basically includes the ingredients we always have at home, so it's kind of a stylish fridge-clean-out recipe, right? By the way, we shared it in an Instagram story, and due to its intergalactic success, we made it nice and neat just for you to post it here :)

To sum up how it works, there are 4 preparations: rice (so far, so good), roasted sweet potatoes, baked tofu with a sauce, and a coconut milk carrot stew. That's it, babe!




  • -onion 1
  • -carrots 1
  • -sweet potato 1
  • -firm tofu 200 (g)
  • -basmati rice 120 (g)
  • -tomato paste 1 (tbsp)
  • -coconut milk 400 (mL)
  • -soy sauce or tamari 4 (tbsp)
  • -olive oil 4 (tbsp)
  • -spices
  • -salt
  • -pepper

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  • Preheat the oven to 392°F.
  • Prepare the sweet potatoes: Peel the sweet potato, cut it into approximately 0.5 by 0.5 cm cubes. In a mixing bowl, combine with a drizzle of olive oil, coarse salt, and spices. Arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 25 minutes.
  • Cook the rice in water.
  • Prepare the tofu: Cut the tofu into cubes of about 0.5 x 0.5 cm (0.2 x 0.2 inches). Mix the cubes with soy sauce, spices, a spoonful of oil (and you can add liquid smoke if you have it). Pour into a small ovenproof dish and bake for 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the coconut milk stew: Peel the onion and carrot. Thinly slice the onion. Heat a tablespoon of oil in your saucepan and cook the onion until it's soft. Make thin carrot strips using a vegetable peeler and add them to the saucepan. Mix well and add the tomato paste and spices (paprika, garam masala, curry, chili...). Once everything is nicely browned, pour in the coconut milk and 300 mL of water. Let it simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Turn off the heat, then add the sweet potatoes and tofu. Season everything and serve over rice!
20 Vegan Recipes in 25 Minutes (French)Recipes Cookbook - Vegan Christmas (French)Recipe Cookbook - The Harvest (French)

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