03/23/2024Cheeses - Sauces, condiments, cheese

Vegan Ricotta, made from soy milk

Vegan Ricotta, made from soy milk
For: 15.87 ozDifficulty: EasyPreparation: 5 minCooking: 5 minFridge: 10h00

I wondered what it would be like if you simply curdled soy milk! Well, it results in this, a curdled cheese similar to ricotta, but creamier. Kind of halfway to mascarpone actually! You can use it in all recipes with ricotta, cottage cheese or fresh cheese: ricotta cannelloni, cheesecake, quiche, tortellinis, lasagnas, any kind of sauces... But also like yogurt or sweet cream: tzatziki, herb cream... It's super versatile, and cheaper than the alternatives available in stores!




  • -soy milk 1 (L)
  • -lemon juice 2 (tbsp)
  • -apple cider vinegar 2 (tbsp)
  • -saltoptional

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  • In a saucepan, start heating the soy milk. Once it nears boiling, remove it from the heat.
  • Immediately pour in the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to curdle the milk. Mix it a little bit and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Place a strainer over a mixing bowl, lined with a cheesecloth. Pour the milk into it. The curd will stay on the surface and the whey will drain very slowly. Place in the fridge overnight without disturbing it.
  • The next day, the whey collected underneath amounts to about 500 mL: you can use it in cakes, pancakes, smoothies etc. The curd has remained in the cheesecloth, scoop it out with a spoon.
  • In a bowl, you can season it with salt and mix vigorously. The texture should be thick, with some lumps like ricotta, but creamier. Store in the fridge for a maximum of 6 days!
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