You often tell us that you want to try our strawberry cake recipe for a birthday or a family meal, but you're afraid that it won't hold well, that the cream won't be firm enough, and all that jazz... and it freaks us out, you know? Because it's true, whether you're a newbie or not, little disasters can happen (especially when you add a sponge layer on top of the cream, huh, we didn't choose the easy way...)!
And we know what it's like! When you've spent hours in the kitchen and have an excellent but ugly cake, it's a bummer ;-) And that's where our lazy tip comes in: verrines! In there, everything stays in place, no need to unmold, no suspense... Suitable for people who don't like risky situations ;-)
To change things up a bit, we're offering you a coconut milk and bitter almond cream, which goes great with strawberries!