07/14/2024Bites, to give - Pastries - Desserts

Vegan Millionaire Shortbread (twix)

Vegan Millionaire Shortbread (twix)
For: 9 squaresDifficulty: MediumPreparation: 15 minCooking: 20 minFridge: 1h00

I think there is no snack in the world better than millionaire shortbread: a biscuit base, a layer of melting caramel, and a layer of chocolate, it's like heaven ๐Ÿ˜ But I never make it because I'm too lazy to make the caramel! However, now we see more and more vegan sweetened condensed milk in stores, so it's no longer complicated to make the caramel layer and I have no excuse. Honestly, the reward is well worth the effort ๐Ÿ˜

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