01/26/2024Bites, to give - Desserts

Vegan Orange Peanut Butter Cups (3 ingredients)

Vegan Orange Peanut Butter Cups (3 ingredients)
For: 6 servingsDifficulty: EasyPreparation: 10 minFridge: 20 min
I have an addiction to little chocolate snacks in the evening after dinner 🥲 My go-to is really chocolate-covered clementines and any snacks that include peanut butter and chocolate... By the way, I already shared a recipe for puffed rice, peanut butter, banana, and chocolate balls here, pure bliss in a bite! And this one I loved too, it's peanut butter cups (like Reese's) but with orange marmalade inside! You could also skip the marmalade or replace it with banana slices; that would be delicious!




  • -dark chocolate 200 (g)
  • -peanut butter 100 (mL)
  • -orange marmalade 60 (mL)

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  • Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.
  • In 6 paper muffin cases, pour a spoonful of chocolate and spread it a bit on the sides to form the base. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  • Add the peanut butter, then the marmalade. Finish by pouring another spoonful of melted chocolate over the top to cover the marmalade.
  • Place back in the freezer for another 10 minutes.
  • Unmold the peanut butter cups from their liners and they’re ready! You can store them in a box in the fridge all week.
20 Vegan Recipes in 25 Minutes (French)Recipes Cookbook - Vegan Christmas (French)Recipe Cookbook - The Harvest (French)

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